July 12, 2010
I am hardly the pro's pro on Yemen, but I want to call two things to your attention. The first is this excellent reported essay from yesterday's New York Times Magazine by Bobby Worth, who I can say has done some solid reporting from Yemen for the past year at some personal cost. It's great to read a talented reporter -- and all-around good guy -- like Bobby in long form. Second, I cannot find anything about this on the Washington Institute's website, but April Alley and Chris Boucek are supposed to be speaking there at an event tomorrow on Yemen which I would most definitely attend if I did not have other business. Those two would be at the top of my list on people to consult on matters relating to Yemen (residing in or around the 202 area code), and I am sick to miss the event. So if you have the chance, work in DC and can find the details, do attend.