November 27, 2022

Relations between the US and France Are Worse Than They Appear

A wide array of bilateral tensions remain between Washington and Paris — many of which have no easy solution in sight

Former President Donald Trump’s hostile approach toward Europe — including threats to pull out of NATO and characterizations of the European Union as a “foe” — injected substantial uncertainty into the US-France alliance. Throughout Trump’s time in office, Macron consistently pushed for greater European strategic autonomy, arguing that France could not depend on the United States.

Macron’s visit shouldn't serve as a mask for differences in security, trade, and diplomacy between the two allies.

While Biden’s election offered new hope for the relationship, the honeymoon was short-lived. The chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 initially renewed anxiety about a lack of consideration for French interests in US decision-making. These concerns exploded the following month when France recalled its ambassador to the United States for the first time in history after Biden announced the new Australia-UK-US (AUKUS) security partnership.

Read the full article from Instick Media.

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