August 15, 2024
The United States Should Not Ignore Kuwait’s Democratic Backslide
In May, Meshal al-Ahmad al-Jaber Al Sabah, the emir of Kuwait, suspended the country’s National Assembly. This was a striking move against one of the more powerful legislative bodies in the Middle East. Unlike most other regional legislative bodies, Kuwait’s National Assembly had real legislative functions and powers, which garnered popular legitimacy and made it a source of national pride.
Democracy in Kuwait is not some Western imposition. It’s core to Kuwaiti history—and, hopefully, its future.
Meshal has claimed the suspension was for the country’s well-being and suggested that without the legislature he will be able to reform and improve Kuwait’s economic and security situation. This is wrong—Kuwait’s problems run deeper than the jockeying between the emir and the assembly that has typified Kuwaiti politics in recent years. Meshal’s actions will not improve Kuwait’s economy or security but will have the effect of undermining Kuwait’s most democratic institution—contributing to the international trend of democratic backsliding.
Read the full article and more from Lawfare.
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