November 02, 2021

Better Together: The Case for a Technology Alliance

The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) has released a new video called "Better Together: The Case for a Technology Alliance."

The United States faces a challenge like no other in its history—a strategic competition with a rising China. Technology is at the center of this competition. America needs a national technology strategy to drive innovation, mitigate risk, and compete for security and prosperity. But America cannot compete alone. The U.S. approach to technology must involve partnering with like-minded countries.

A new video explainer from CNAS explores how the United States and other tech-leading democracies should create a technology alliance to collaborate on big issues, such as groundbreaking research and development, securing supply chains, and defending technology norms rooted in democratic values.

This latest release is the third in a series of videos on the need for a U.S. national technology strategy. Watch the first and second videos in the series.

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