Showing 361-380 of 669 Publications
Digitally-Enabled Warfare
Over the last 20 years, digital technologies have revolutionized modern warfare. From network-centric warfare of the 1990s to Donald Rumsfeld’s transformation to today’s Third...
By Jacquelyn Schneider
Laos in the World Spotlight
President Barack Obama will find major governments and international organizations heavily involved in Laos1 when he arrives in Vientiane to attend the East Asian Summit in Se...
By Frank L. Albert
Transatlantic Economic Statecraft
Transatlantic cooperation on sanctions is much better today than it was 20 years ago. In 1982 and in 1996, political disputes over sanctions issues saw European countries legi...
By Simond de Galbert
Defeating the Islamic State
Fifteen years after September 11, 2001, al Qaeda has taken significant losses, but the threat from Islamic extremism has morphed and metastasized in ways that remain dangerous...
By Ilan Goldenberg, Nicholas Heras & Paul Scharre
The New Great Game
Report makes specific policy recommendations for how the United States can leverage its rapidly-growing energy assets for national security goals, particularly with regard to ...
By Elizabeth Rosenberg, Ellie Maruyama, Alexander Sullivan & David Gordon
Game of Drones: Wargame Report
Drones are rapidly proliferating around the globe. Not only has the commercial market for drones dramatically expanded, but arms transfers of unarmed and armed drones between ...
By Alexandra Sander
The U.S.-Japan Alliance: Responding to China’s A2/AD Threat
In this paper, Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Vice Admiral (Ret.) Yoji Koda looks into China’s regional and underlines the importance of a closely knit U.S.-Japan alliance ...
By Vice Admiral Yoji Koda
Third Offset Strategy and Chinese A2/AD Capabilities
Richard A. Bitzinger, Senior Fellow and Coordinator of the Military Transformations Program at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, examines the feasibilities of...
By Richard A. Bitzinger
Smarter Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific Region
In this paper, CNAS Military Fellow Commander Jennifer Couture points out that countering China’s A2/AD strategies in the future not only requires advanced technology, but cal...
By CDR Jennifer S. Couture
Security Cooperation: The Key to Access and Influence in the Asia-Pacific
In this paper, BowerGroupAsia Senior Director Desmond Walton examines the increasing value returned by the development of strategic networks of regional military relationships...
By Des Walton
Exploiting Amphibious Operations to Counter Chinese A2/AD Capabilities
In this paper, Japan Forum Senior Fellow Colonel Grant Newsham, USMC (Ret.) examines how a mobile amphibious force with air, sea, and ground capability can effectively degrade...
By Colonel Grant Newsham, USMC (Ret.)
Flashpoints, Escalation, and A2/AD
In this paper, CNAS Senior Fellow Dr. Mira Rapp-Hooper examines three prominent escalation scenarios in the Asia-Pacific in the context of China’s developing area-denial/anti-...
By Mira Rapp-Hooper
The Promise of Unmanned Systems in the Asia Pacific
In this paper, CNAS Associate Fellow Kelley Sayler analyzes the proliferation of unmanned systems—particularly UAVs—within the framework of the increasingly contentious issue ...
By Kelley Sayler
A Security System for the Two-State Solution
Report outlines comprehensive security arrangements for Israelis and Palestinians based on six core principles and provides proposed solutions to all of the toughest security ...
By Ilan Goldenberg
Dynamic Balance
Three CNAS experts provide a roadmap for the next U.S. administration and key U.S. allies in the region to address these challenges and potential escalation....
By Mira Rapp-Hooper, Harry Krejsa & Patrick M. Cronin
Sustaining the Rebalance in Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia’s global rise illustrates its promise and its pitfalls. As with growing global interdependence, there are pluses and minuses that President Barack Obama’s succe...
By Patrick M. Cronin
Seeing Strait
Research Associate Harry Krejsa makes the case that U.S. policy should emphasize Taiwan’s human capital, defensive capabilities, and integration into the international marketp...
By Harry Krejsa
Extending American Power
Foreword by Robert Kagan and James P. Rubin Over the past year, the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) brought together an extraordinary group of scholars, practitione...
By Amb. Eric S. Edelman, James B. Steinberg, Julianne Smith, Kurt Campbell, Michèle Flournoy, Richard Fontaine, James P. Rubin, Stephen J. Hadley, Dr. Robert Kagan & Robert Zoellick
Global Perspectives: A Drone Saturated Future
Drones are rapidly proliferating. Over 90 countries and non-state groups operate drones today, and even more are certain to do so in coming years.1 These actors are beginning ...
By Kelley Sayler, Ben FitzGerald, Michael Horowitz & Paul Scharre
From the Bottom, Up
With the current state of the Syrian civil war, the conditions are not ripe for de-escalation in the conflict. If the United States is seeking a transition from the Assad regi...
By Nicholas Heras