Showing 401-420 of 669 Publications
CNAS Needs Assessment
Senior Fellow Phillip Carter and Bacevich Fellow Katherine Kidder author a study on Southwest Pennsylvania's veterans community, drawing upon data from the Department of Defen...
By Katherine L. Kuzminski & Phillip Carter
Passing the Baton
As the 2016 election cycle moves into full swing, four CNAS experts lay out a comprehensive overview of issues facing the veteran and military community and a plan with substa...
By Amy Schafer, Dr. Jason Dempsey, Katherine L. Kuzminski & Phillip Carter
Crisis Response
As the U.S. Marine Corps prepares to celebrate its 240th birthday, Ben FitzGerald, director of the Technology and National Security Program, and LtCol Brian Bruggeman, a forme...
By Ben FitzGerald, LtCol Brian Bruggeman & USMC
A Nuclear Strategy and Posture for 2030
Robert M. Gates Senior Fellow Elbridge Colby offers the outlines of a revised nuclear policy and posture that adapts the United States' long-standing approach to nuclear weapo...
By Elbridge Colby
After the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action: A Game Plan for the United States
Five CNAS Experts lay out a comprehensive strategy and concrete recommendations for how the U.S. can maximize the opportunity presented by JCPOA....
By Avner Golov, Elizabeth Rosenberg, Ellie Maruyama, Ilan Goldenberg & Nicholas Heras
Retreat from Range
Defense Strategies and Assessments Program Director Dr. Jerry Hendrix argues that aircraft carriers, at a cost over $13 billion a piece, risk becoming obsolete without a major...
By Jerry Hendrix
Lessons from Russia and the Future of Sanctions
Peter Harrell, an Adjunct Senior Fellow in the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) Energy, Economics, and Security Program, examines what led U.S. policymakers to develo...
By Peter Harrell
The Iran Agreement and What Comes Next
In advance of Congress’ pending vote on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), CNAS experts produced commentary on U.S. strategy after the Iran Deal....
By Avner Golov, Axel Hellman, Elizabeth Rosenberg, Ellie Maruyama, Ilan Goldenberg & Nicholas Heras
The $100 Billion Question
Executive Summary The Navy is already beginning to examine options to replace the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, which will retire in the mid-2030s.The replacement of the F/A-18E/F w...
By Daniel Burg & Paul Scharre
An Intensified Approach to Combatting the Islamic State
CNAS CEO Michèle Flournoy and President Richard Fontaine have authored a new policy brief arguing that “current efforts to counter ISIS are not adequate to the task” and that ...
By Michèle Flournoy & Richard Fontaine
Security Cooperation and Assistance: Rethinking the Return on Investment
Dr. Dafna H. Rand and Dr. Stephen Tankel argue that despite the growth of new programs and authorities to build partnership capacity in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and many othe...
By Dafna Rand & Stephen Tankel
Russian Motives: An Essay Exploring Russia’s Approach to Crimea and Eastern Ukraine
In this report, Benjamin F. Cumbo IV examines how Russia sees its territorial aggression in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine....
By Benjamin Cumbo & Robert D. Kaplan
Enabling Decision
Four CNAS experts - including three former National Security Council (NSC) staff - recommend changes to NSC management processes and structure to make it more agile and effect...
By Dafna Rand, Jacob Stokes, Julianne Smith & Shawn Brimley
Iran’s Economic Reintegration: Sanctions Relief, Energy, and Economic Growth Under a Nuclear Agreement with Iran
Senior Fellow Elizabeth Rosenberg and Dr. Sara Vakhshouri, president of SVB Energy International, LLC, lay out how the removal of international sanctions on Iran is likely to ...
By Dr. Sara Vakhshouri & Elizabeth Rosenberg
Economic Statecraft: American Economic Power and the New Face of Financial Warfare
Senior Fellow Elizabeth Rosenberg and Adjunct Senior Fellow Zachary K. Goldman describe challenges associated with the increasing application of coercive economic measures to ...
By Elizabeth Rosenberg & Zachary K. Goldman
U.S. Strategy After the Iran Deal: Seizing Opportunities and Managing Risks
As Iran and the P5+1 close in on the deadline for a deal addressing Iran’s nuclear program, Middle East Security Program Director Ilan Goldenberg makes six core policy recomme...
By Ilan Goldenberg
Navigating the Future: U.S.-Taiwan Maritime Cooperation and Building Order in Asia
“Navigating the Future: U.S.-Taiwan Maritime Cooperation and Building Order in Asia” identifies a framework for advancing U.S.-Taiwan maritime cooperation, which consists of b...
By Alexander Sullivan
A World of Proliferated Drones: A Technology Primer
Associate Fellow Kelley Sayler examines the proliferation of drones to states, non-state actors, and individuals. The report also outlines the various types of drones and what...
By Kelley Sayler
More Willing and Able: Charting China's International Security Activism
The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) Asia-Pacific Security Program has released a new report, More Willing and Able: Charting China’s International Security Activism....
By Alexander Sullivan, Andrew Erickson, Elbridge Colby, Ely Ratner & Zachary Hosford
Crude Oil Export & U.S. National Security
CNAS Energy, Economics, and Security (EES) Program has released a new report, Crude Oil Export & U.S. National Security....
By David Gordon, Elizabeth Rosenberg & Ellie Maruyama