Showing 641-660 of 668 Publications
Remodeling the U.S. Government for Energy Security: Initial Findings from the Big Energy Map
In a speech on November 18, 2008, President-Elect Barack Obama defined the nation’s energy posture as an economic, strategic, and environmental vulnerability and reaffirmed ca...
By Christine Parthemore & Sharon E. Burke
From Preponderance to Partnership: American Maritime Power in the 21st Century
Several naval analysts and commentators, including the observant Robert Kaplan, have argued that America’s present naval fleet constitutes an “elegant decline” or outright neg...
By Frank G. Hoffman
The Ripple Effect: Japan's Responses to the Iraq War
America’s military intervention in Iraq has catalyzed major changes in the Middle East, but the ramifications of its military campaigns around the world, particularly in Asia,...
By Nirav Patel & Richard Weitz
The Ripple Effect: India's Responses to the Iraq War
America’s military intervention in Iraq has catalyzed major changes in the Middle East, but the ramifications of its military campaigns around the world, particularly in Asia,...
By Nirav Patel & Richard Weitz
The Ripple Effect: China's Responses to the Iraq War
America’s military intervention in Iraq has catalyzed major changes in the Middle East, but the ramifications of its military campaigns around the world, particularly in Asia,...
By Nirav Patel & Richard Weitz
Peak Oil: A Survey of Security Concerns
While the concept of “peak oil” – the notion that the world is running out of oil – remains controversial, it is certainly realistic to think ahead about the national security...
By Jr. & Neil King
The Case for Game-Changing Diplomacy with Iran
The next American president must come to office with an Iran plan ready to implement on Day One of his administration. That plan should center on conducting game-changing dipl...
By Christine Parthemore & James Miller
Iran: Assessing U.S. Strategic Options
Dealing with Iran and its nuclear program will be an urgent priority for the next president. In order to evaluate U.S. policy options, the Center for a New American Security (...
By Ashton B. Carter, Dennis Ross, Richard N. Haass, Suzanne Maloney & Vali Nasr
Strategic Leadership: Framework for a 21st Century National Security Strategy
The next president of the United States must forge a new national security strategy in a world marked by enormous tumult and change and at a time when America’s international ...
By Anne-Marie Slaughter, Antony J. Blinken, Bruce Jentleson, Gayle E. Smith, Ivo Daalder, James B. Steinberg, James C. OBrien, Kurt Campbell, Lael Brainard & Michael A. McFaul
Finding Our Way: Debating American Grand Strategy
In a critical election year, the debate over America’s national security strategy has been overwhelmed by a persistent focus on essentially tactical issues such as: the number...
By Michèle Flournoy, Shawn Brimley & Vikram J. Singh
Shaping the Iraq Inheritance
American policy in Iraq will undergo two critical transitions throughout the remainder of 2008 and into early 2009: movement to a new U.S. posture in Iraq; and a wartime trans...
By Colin H. Kahl, Michèle Flournoy & Shawn Brimley
A Strategy for American Power: Energy, Climate, and National Security
To protect the American way of life and secure the future, the United States needs an energy security strategy that will cut both our dependence on oil and our greenhouse gas ...
By Christine Parthemore, Joshua Busby & Sharon E. Burke
Making America Grand Again: Toward a New Grand Strategy
Years of debate over the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and the so-called “war on terror” have prevented Americans from grappling with the deeper challenges posed by changes in the...
By Michèle Flournoy, Shawn Brimley & Vikram J. Singh
Unfinished Business: U.S. Overseas Military Presence in the 21st Century
The next American president will inherit an overseas military base realignment process begun in the first term of the George W. Bush administration. This realignment, guided b...
By Michael O’Hanlon
Strategic Questions for Generals Petraeus and Odierno
As Generals Petraeus and Odierno appear before Congress this week, CNAS has drafted several key questions we feel are among the most vital to ask. As the 2008 presidential ele...
By Michèle Flournoy, Shawn Brimley & Vikram J. Singh
Anecdotal Evidence of a Hollowing Force? A Closer Look at Junior Officer Retention
Today’s Army is “the most combat-experienced force the nation has witnessed in two generations. Our all-volunteer force is being asked to do more than ever and is showing rema...
By Jaron Wharton
U.S.-South Korea Relations: Rekindling an Alliance Flame
The honeymoon between Washington and Seoul will not last long without more harmony on the most important issue for the relationship: North Korean denuclearization....
By Nirav Patel & Vikram J. Singh
Sustainable Security: Developing a Security Strategy for the Long Haul
The inability of many states in the developing world to govern and police themselves effectively or to work collectively with their neighbors to secure their regions represen...
By Jim Thomas
The Case for Conditional Engagement in Iraq
Five years into the war in Iraq with no end in sight, a new strategy is needed. The current strategy of unconditional support to Iraq’s central government has not produced nea...
By Colin H. Kahl & Shawn Brimley
The Age of Consequences
Global climate change poses not only environmental hazards but profound risks to planetary peace and stability as well. For the past year, CNAS and CSIS convened a diverse gro...
By Christine Parthemore, Jay Gulledge, Julianne Smith, Richard Weitz & Whitney M. Parker