Part of Technology & National Security
Critical Digital Infrastructure
Within Critical Digital Infrastructure
Securing our Critical Digital Infrastructure is a multi-year project that builds upon CNAS research and work on 5G wireless issues. This project is focusing on broader issues of concern related to information and communications technologies and infrastructure. As part of this ongoing effort, CNAS will continue to drive the debate on the 5G future of the United States, while encouraging policymakers to heed the lessons of the advent of 5G around the world and devote attention early to the promise and perils of what comes next: Beyond 5G and 6G technologies.
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Securing Our 5G Future
5th Generation (5G) wireless promises to be a foundational next-generation technology that will be vital to enabling the next industrial revolution. The nation that leads in t...
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Edge Networks, Core Policy
Technological leadership by the United States requires forethought and organization. The plan necessary to maintain that leadership—a national technology strategy—should be br...
By Martijn Rasser, Ainikki Riikonen & Henry Wu
Open Future
Executive Summary Communication networks are the central nervous system of the 21st century economy. The fifth generation of wireless—5G—will be essential to and inseparable f...
By Martijn Rasser & Ainikki Riikonen
Securing Our 5G Future
Elsa B. Kania examines Washington and Beijing’s approaches to 5G development and proposes an American strategy for 5G security....
By Elsa B. Kania